| 31 Days of Horror VI


31 Days of Horror VI

31 Days of Horror VI

It is September again, and the comforts of summer are betrayed by an overcast sky. Cobwebs everywhere are unsettled in a cold breeze. Minor constellations of dying leaves deprive the horizon of its full spectrum of color. Cemeteries become even spookier. The tone is one of familiar uncertainty; another month of horror films draws ever closer.

October 2009 will welcome our sixth annual 31 Days of Horror, and – after last year’s VHS spectacular – this year the proceedings will be decidedly more varied, spanning from silent cinema to nonfiction to 80s creature features to a franchise horror film that’s yet to open. As always, we promise scare chords, second deaths, and pools of blood beyond the suspected capacity of the human body.

Please refer to this page during the month, as we tally each review, subgenre, and year of release.


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